Wait no more, it's here!
Today, #nordiccharmquilt is officially out in the wild!

I have always loved this traditional block, but I always felt it's construction was a bit too advanced for me. So I set out to figure out how to make it more beginner friendly.
I started with this monster block.
I felt it looked good, but there was one problem spot. It had blind seam that needed to be pretty dang precise to match up and make a point. ( Looking close, you can see I was off.) I also wasn't sure making a JUMBO block would be to many quilters liking. But this particular construction really couldn't be sized down due to one piece that was already super small to begin with.
Back to the graph paper I went. And I figured out how to size down the block and remove the smaller piece.

Now, it did make the block have more points to match up, but not an overwhelming amount and I felt it could still cater to a beginner.
Now that I had it in a smaller size, I started writing the pattern, but my indecisive self couldn't part with the Jumbo block from before, sooo Nordic Charm has two options for block sizes: Normal 16" and Jumbo 22".
My first sample is of the normal block, King size*. This was made for a wedding present for a cousin.
It was GINORMOUS and I loved it! I loved how when finished, the actual block sort of blends in and your (my) eye actually sees a different block than the one constructed!
My second sample is of the Jumbo block, twin size. With the craziness that is January/February in my house ( birthdays, family visits, etc) I got my top finished, but not quilted. So, I'll share that sample when I complete it...soon!
Now, do you want to see all the fun options you can do with this quilt? My testers blew me away with their fabric selections and helped me make this quilt into just what I was hoping it to be!
L-R: Dawn (@jdderrick) // Michelle (@sewsilverco) // Danelle (@danellelong)
L-R: Jen (@sewmazingquilting) // Sue (@sueviny) //Elaine (@elaines14) // Kelleigh (@kelleighz)
You guys! Multicolored, dark back, light back, two colored - I love it every. single. way!
Okay, now ya'll have waited long enough. Nordic Charm is available thru my website or Etsy.
After making such a huge version of this quilt, and getting some great feedback from testers, I am putting together some tips and tricks on how to make this quilt a success for even the most basic beginner. Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter because I will be sending that out to those who have signed up.
*King size is not officially listed in the pattern, if one is interested, I am happy to send the the fabric requirements :)
Quilty Info: (King Size-Normal Block)
Fabrics used were by Moda Fabrics
Bella Solids Off - White 9900 200 // Cross Weave Graphite 12119 52
Backing: Lollipop Garden Handmade Stripe Black by Lella Boutique // 5086 21
Quilt Labels : Border City Quilts
Quilting : Good Vibrations, quilted by Kelli (Me) of Simply MackBeth Design Co.
Quilty Info: (Twin Size - Jumbo Block)
Fabrics used were by Moda Fabrics
Cross Weave Pomegranate 12119 41 // Bella Solids Off- White 9900 200
Keep on posting your awesome makes and tag me @simplymackbeth and use the hashtag #simplymackbethpatterns I love seeing your work and sharing it with others!
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